Fairytale Felt Mask Patterns now in my Etsy Store!
/New things in my Etsy Store today. Most exciting is this fairytale mask pattern. I've been meaning to finish it for aaaages, but you know....
The PDF pattern includes a Princess Tiara, a Knight's Helmet and (best of all) a Unicorn. You heard - a friggin' UNICORN!! Seriously, if I could walk around all day wearing a unicorn mask I absolutely would. And now so can you.
As always the pattern includes bonus printable masks so you can print them onto card stock and let your little ones colour them to their heart's content before they wear them. I always think this would be a great party activity, or just a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon.
Find them in my Etsy Store now for just a few dollars.
Unicorns BABY!!!!