A Playtime Dress for Ella
/First make of Kids Clothes Week is complete! I'm really happy with this lovely little dress. The pattern is the Playtime Dress and leggings from Oliver + S. I added these gorgeous little triangular leather elbow patches which I'm pretty sure I've seen somewhere (probably on Pinterest) and shamelessly copied, but I have no idea where I saw it!
The back view. How cute are those elbows?! And the gathers! And the messy curls!
I really liked the topstitched peter pan collar, so much so that I'm almost wishing that I'd done it in more of contrasting colour - you almost can't see it! (Also, don't judge me on my poor ironing skills...)
Love the silhouette of this dress..
Molly (who has been renamed 'pillow' for some reason) came for a walk with us, as usual. (Guess who had to carry her home though....)
Both the dress and leggings were a big hit with the little lady. Fortunately, because I cut into my precious Art Gallery Wanderer Knit for the leggings and would have been really annoyed if she hadn't liked them! I actually cut them upside down (aagghh!) - I didn't realise the print was directional until I spotted those tiny little upside down horses. So frustrating. Still, I'll probably be the only one who ever really notices!
I have pretty bad outfit envy with this one. I also reeeeally want a pair of those gold toe capped shoes!
Also, It's not technically a Kids Clothes Week make because I finished it last week but I finally got some nice pictures of the boy in his 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good' hoodie. He refused to try it on for days, until I lost patience and practically wrestled him into it. Once the tantrum was over he decided that actually he REALLY likes it. So much so that he has been sleeping in it and refusing to wear anything else. Mama always knows best...!
Living up to the quote on his jumper!