Monday Tee Tutorial

I'm really pleased with this tee.  It's such a simple style, but I do love the shape.  It has a lovely neckline, dropped shoulder seams, tapered waist and perfectly cosy long sleeves.

First of all, let me please state that this pattern is untested by anyone except for me!  It is also a single size pattern, approximately size Small.  The bottom is quite tightly fitted and will fit those with a high hip measurement of approximately 92cm / 36".  The rest of the pattern is quite a relaxed fit however so if you wanted to have a go and just increase the width at the bottom a little to fit then I think it would probably work pretty well.

Download the pattern pieces by clicking on the image above. Printing Instructions can be found on page 12.

For tips on sewing with knits click here

Sorry for some of the poorly lit diagrams below - the only time I really get a chance to sew is once the kids are in bed!

You will need:

  • 1.4m of knit fabric
  • Coordinating Thread
  • Twin needle (optional)
  • Rotary cutter and mat (optional)

Monday Tee Sewing Instructions:

Hem Pieces:

Hem the sleeves and the bottom edge of the front and back pieces.  Fold 1cm to the wrong side and press.  Fold another 1.5cm to the wrong side and press again.  Pin in place.  Stitch the hem with a zig-zag stitch or with a twin needle, sewing 1.2cm from the edge. 


 Join the front and back:

Lay the Tee main front and back pieces on top of one another, with right sides together and align shoulder seams.  Join with a 1cm seam.  Press seam open, or if you have serged your seam, press it towards the back of the Tee.

Join the sleeves:

Pin sleeves in place, placing sleeve and body of tee right sides together and aligning centre notches of sleeves with shoulder seams.  Join with a 1cm seam. Repeat to join second sleeve.

Sew Underarm Seams:

Fold tee so that right sides are together and join the underarms and sleeves in one long continuous seam.  Pin in place first and make sure that the wrists, hem and underarm seams all match.  Begin stitching at the wrists and sew towards the bottom hem. 

Finish Neckline.

To finish the neckline, cut a piece 67cm long and 4cm wide.  Fold along it’s width, aligning short edges and placing right sides together. Join the ends with a 1cm seam. Press seam open.

Fold the neck binding in half along it’s length this time with wrong sides together. Press.


Pin the neck binding to the neck of the Tee, right sides together and placing the seam of the binding at the centre back of the neck.  You will need to stretch the neck binding slightly as you pin to make it fit.  This helps the neckline to sit nicely without puckering.

Join (sew or serge) the binding to the neck of the tee, sewing with a 1 cm seam.  Fold binding over to the right side and press. 

And you're finished!

I hope you have had fun with this tutorial and that you love this tee as much as I do.  Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions - I always love to hear from you!

A Week of Tees

So the birthday presents are finally all made - having taken waaay longer than I expected they would, and before I turn my attention to the gorgeous stack of fabrics sitting patiently in my cupboard, just crying out to be turned into Geranium Dresses, Junebug Dresses and Gumnut Dresses, I am going to do something for myself.  Something just for me.  

My wardrobe is pitifully depleated of T-shirts and I have a huge stack of lovely knits begging to be used.  So, I am going to put everything else to one side and declare this to be Selfish Sewing Week.   Who's with me on this one?

I'm going to try to make a top every day for the next week (yikes!) I have a couple of patterns that I want to use, but I think mostly I'm going to be designing them myself so I should have a few more projects to add to my Patterns and Tutorials page by the end of the week as an added bonus.

I'm really looking forward to the chance to make some things for myself and to make a dent in my stash.  I don't often sew for myself and I feel like committing to a whole week of selfish sewing is pretty much the only way to make sure I don't get distracted with other projects. 

So.  First up:

Monday Tee.jpg

Sorry but making and blogging about a Tee every day this week, on top of work, housework and general kiddy wrangling is pretty much going to stretch me to my limit as it is. I'm afraid there is simply nothing left for imaginative pattern naming! So, the 'Monday Tee' it is.

Monday Tee
Monday Tee photobomb
Monday Tee
Monday Tee photobomb

Cheeky little photobomber!

I'm really pleased with this tee.  It's such a simple style, but I do love the shape.  It has a lovely neckline, dropped shoulder seams, tapered waist and perfectly cosy long sleeves.  Stay tuned for the Pattern and Tutorial; Coming up next!